Implemented Food Projects

Implemented Food Projects




Project Title







1 Food distribution packages to the earth quake affectees in Paktika province Social Contribution 2022 Paktika
2 Distribution of food packages to the orphans in Afghanistan World Assembly of Muslims Youth WAMY 2021 Kabul, Nangarhar and Kunar
3 Distribution of food to the needy and war affected people in the central and eastern zone of Afghanistan Dubai Charity


2021 Kabul, Laghman, Kunar and Nangarhar
4 Distribution of non-food items to the IDPs and WAR affected people Dubai Charity


2021 Laghman and Nuristan
5 Distribution of Ramadan Packages to the poor and war affected people UAE Embassy 2019 Laghman. Kabul, and Kapisa

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Is working to achieve interventions of Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Response, WASH, Health, Nutrition & Hygiene, Education, Livelihood, Community Development, Women Empowerment, Disability Support

Head Office

Pashtunistan Square, Haji Gull Plaza, Jalalabad city, Nangarhar, Afghanistan

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Parwn 2 Square, Near to Kardan University, Kabul, Afghanistan

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