S/No |
Project Title |
Donor |
Date |
Location |
1 | Food distribution packages to the earth quake affectees in Paktika province | Social Contribution | 2022 | Paktika |
2 | Distribution of food packages to the orphans in Afghanistan | World Assembly of Muslims Youth WAMY | 2021 | Kabul, Nangarhar and Kunar |
3 | Distribution of food to the needy and war affected people in the central and eastern zone of Afghanistan | Dubai Charity
Association |
2021 | Kabul, Laghman, Kunar and Nangarhar |
4 | Distribution of non-food items to the IDPs and WAR affected people | Dubai Charity
Association |
2021 | Laghman and Nuristan |
5 | Distribution of Ramadan Packages to the poor and war affected people | UAE Embassy | 2019 | Laghman. Kabul, and Kapisa |